don't judge me...

Nothing is ever easy... Life isn't hard for me. Getting along with people is the hardest for me.... I wish I could snap my fingers and everything would be "normal"... I've tried to mend relationships with people, but then with each step forward it's like a step back.... This shit does not make sense, nothing makes sense to me anymore... I am trying to focus on myself, and getting myself better... Once that happens I hope everything will start falling into place...

I really put myself a million steps back when I met a certain someone. Nothing but drama, and problems. Something I don't need... But I am trying my hard to get the outta my life but then they keep poppin back up randomly... I HATE IT! ... I'm just confused...

I'm tired, but my mind isn't... I miss good sleep... No problems... The easy life...

ps - i've known for 3 years

08.27.2006 @ 11:33 pm


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