
Little things make me happy, other people just don't understand that something simple means so much... Those things make me feel sane, and that is a good feeling when you need it...

I just wanna talk to you and let you kno how I feel, but I think you already kno. I just want to remind you that you mean so much to me, more than you kno... I've never had someone like you, someone so caring, someone so genuine, I think you kno the rest - or atleast I hope you do... Expect someone so small from me, that will mean so much....

I have to work tonight from 3-1130p, I am dreading it only because I hate that shift, and well I have not done that job in awhile... I fogure I can fuck up cause I'm only gonna be there for one day... But I will most likely remember everything once I sit down and shit... I don't plan on working very much tho, I have some letters to write and have to re do my resume...

So many thoughts.... So much... ......too much?

08.12.2006 @ 12:48 pm


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