falling thru

Things have been good lately, some things not all that is... I met a nice guy, and yea... I need a new job, that pays better. I like my job, but I need more money.... I am still waiting for Stephen to send my camera. That's a fuckinf disaster and if I talk about it I'll just get more pissed off...

Our friendship (Stephen and I) is aything but equal on both sides... It kinda feels like it's falling apart slowly... I don't kno who he has become sometimes... There are alot of other issues... But then again I cannot talk to him about it because he never answers his phone, and never ever calls me... So whatever...

I don't feel like dealing with people. Too much energy and I just don't have that... whatever... back to what I was doing.

07.16.2006 @ 6:41 pm


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