guilty conscience

My conscience is not clear, so I am gonna tell him what's been bothering me... I told him I don't wanna tell him on the phone, that I'd rather do it in person... Let's see if I can make the words come out right, and not sound like an asshole... I really don't need to tell him this, but I want to cause it's been bothering me... We'll see how things go tonight or tomorrow night... I don't kno when I'm gonna go him yet...

I didn't go to the hospital with my Dad today. I don't really going to hospitals to see or be with family memebers... He's not staying overnight, he should be home in a hour or so....

I'm suppose to go see my friend tomorrow, but I don't kno if I'm gonna go... I want to go, but I really don't feel like it. The weather will play a big role in this decision, if it's raining tomorrow I prob won't go... We'll see...

I'm gonna go watch some movies, cause this weather makes me not wanna do anything... I'll shower first, so atleast I can say I did something constructive today haha...

03.02.2006 @ 2:23 pm


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