don't say i didn't warn you

I feel like yelling at the top of my lungs....I'm beyond pissed, some people are assholes. I swear he does nothing but try to make other peoples lives suck cause he is a piece of shit and hates his live. Just cause you are miserable, does not mean you have to go around trying to make others the same... You've never done it to me, for the simple fact that I can fuck with your head more than you ever will kno and have known... Don't say I didn't warn you, you knew I was like that. I was your challenge, but I won (of course).... I tell everyone I meet that I always get what I want, always ... My mind is just stronger than yours, deal with it... Oh and rot in hell.

Now that that's outta the way.... I shall go do laundry

02.05.2006 @ 5:09 pm


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