I'm better than that...

I had a bangin weekend, I must say... Friday I went to the bar and got drunk, obviously... Met a nice guy, and that's all I'm gonna say about that (the ones who matter to me already kno the story...)So no need to go there... Saturday I had that suprise bday party, and then went to the bar after that. I didn't drink at the bar, cause I drank a whole bottle of jack #7 at the house... I came home today, and slept for a little while. Ate dinner with my family, and my sisters boyfriend... Then we (Buttas, her boyfriend, and I) went bowling, Jamie's man was salty cause I was doin good and almost beat him haha... Buttas had the fuckin bumpers, so she didn't look like a total ass!...

Now on to the guy I met, he called me 3 times on Saturday but I didn't answer... I don't kno and I do kno why I didn't answer... Sometimes I think too much, and that is what happened... I guess I'm just not used to a a guy being so nice and shit... I can get used to it tho :-)

I need to do somethings, and then it's off to bed... peace

10.24.2005 @ 12:19 am


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