feel like i'm headed for a breakdown...

I was suppose to go somewhere today with someone, but something told me not to go... I kno that later on I'll probably regret it kinda, but whatever shit happens... I didn't do anything yet today, I need to do laundry and clean my make up brushes. Yea, I'm so interesting lemme tell ya...

I've got alot on my mind, and I have been goin off on anyone and everyone... I find myself thinking, and forgetting where I am and shit... I can't tell you how many times people have said my name to get my attention and I didn't even hear them... This shit is just getting worse, and I never seem to help myself and fix it... I need someone to talk to, someone that will just listen and not judge me or think any different of me... But I think that is just asking for too much... Things are getting too heavy, and I don't kno how much longer I can take it...

PostSecret .... Take a look at that site, my post card will be on there in the near future...

But I need to do laundry, or atleast do something... Keep my mind busy...

10.24.2005 @ 4:48 pm


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