fall to pieces...

I knew this would happen, the fact that I don't think before I act really fucks me up. It's not like I don't know better, cause I do... I know the consequences, but only think about it after it's too late. But it's always been like that, I guess I never learn? It doesn't make sense but then again it does. Confusing more than anythinh else

My mind has been somewhere else for the past few months. I always forget things, I always find myself in deep thought. I am preoccupied with something, and I don't even know what that 'something' is. I know the solution, and always say I'm gonna 'fix' this. But I never do, I know why and it's a selfish reason....

Times like this I would usually write, but now the words I write just don't seem to explain what I am feeling. I have not written in a long time, and when I did I was a little better... Maybe I'll try...

Things just don't seem to get better, no matter how many times I tell myself they will...

09.04.2005 @ 10:38 pm


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