
People don't usually take me seriously... I've got great advice for a close friend, but deep down I think they are scared to listen to me... I am being a good friend, and offering my ideas... Good idea, shit great ideas if I do say so myself.... I am good at convincing people, so maybe I need to work on them a little more...

There are some major issues I need to deal with myself, but running has always been what I do.... Maybe it is time to stop running, I don't kno if I can face this shit...

Sometimes it is so easy to cut people outta my life, but lately I feel guilty for it.... Who the fuck am I, I don't kno this person I have become.....

Time to go do some shit to get my mind off of things.... Let's see if I can do that right...

04.24.2006 @ 8:24 pm


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