fucked up

I'm tireddddd.... I go to bed late as fuck, and still manage to wake up at 9am. Even tho I don't work til 2pm, it's nuts.... I took some klonopins and smoked last night, that's why I'm surprised I didn't sleep longer...

I've been fuckin up on the work thing... Sometimes I don't care, they fucked me over way too many times... I'm leavin at 8tonight instead of 10:30, and no my hours are not gettin docked. I'm makin up my hours on Sunday and next week... Besides I've got plans for tonight, and that's more important than work... For now anyways... This is my last Sunday I work, and my last Saturday I work until April. I'm telling them I'm not workin any Saturdays until April, since they like to fuck me over and make me work 2 in a row and then make me work at 7am on a Saturday when I'm workin til 1130pm the night before... Shit's not fair, and I talked to my supervisors and the head of the department and they didn't do shit for me. So fuck em.

I need to get ready for work, and then walk the dogs.... My parents are in california, so the niggas are not gonna be walked until after 8 when I get home...


02.16.2006 @ 12:06 pm


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