too long...

Things seem to be getting worse... Between the confusion, unhappiness and odd feelings I cannot identify - I really don't kno what to do anymore... It's been a really long time, and well I miss those times... I kno what I need to do, I just can't bring myself to do that... My thoughts get the best of me sometimes, and it kinda scares me... I pretend all the time, and I need to stop because it only makes things worse... I'd love to feel that again, but at times it's like I don't feel like I deserve it... All the things I've done and said, all the people I hurt... I'll probably have a breakdown and that will be the slap in the face I've needed for so so long... I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired of pretending...

I need someone to talk to, but I cannot find anyone that will even understand a little bit...


12.29.2005 @ 12:18 am


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