<3 narcotics

My mouth hurts, I got a root canal today... I got some pain meds, but I am gonna try not to take too many, I'll probably try Aleve and see if that helps... I was in the damn dentist chair for an hour and a half... The novacaine wore off, but only after the root and the nerve were out - thank god... After that I went out with my Aunt, we went shopping and then to Kohl's. We went to eat at a chinese resturant, I ate soup and the inside of an egg roll. And that was not fun, I can barely open my jaw. Looks like it's soup and tea for the next few days... It's weird cause this hurts worse that when I got my wisdom teeth out 5yrs ago... I have another dentist appointment next week, they're gonna start on my crown. And then I need to go to an oral surgeon, for some other procedure... I am gettin all of this done before the end of the year... Only cause I wanna meet my deductible for my dental insurance... So far I paid $108 for alot of xrays, a cleaning and a root canal - and that is not bad. I was paying everything out of pocket before. So I don't mind, my teeth need to last a lifetime. I cannot afford to walk around toothless - that is not cute at all...

I found out last night that if someone calls me with a blocked call, I can go on cingular.com and look at my call detail and it will show me the number that was blocked... In other words, when someone thinks they are slick and trys to block their number it won't work cause I can get their number easier than they can block it.... And yea, this came in handy... I just don't understand some people, and why they do some things... whatever

I got my nails done, and it's been awhile since I've had tips, I gotta get used to them again - wish me luck (sorry for typos also)

I REALLY wanna go back to school, for psychiatry... But I don't think I wanna go to school for that long... So maybe I'll go for Social Work and then become a ICM with that, and a few other courses as well... Psychiatry and human behavior really interests me... I am gonna talk to human resources at my job about tuition reimbursement... Cause I already have one student loan, and I don't think I wanna take another one out at this time anyways... I wish I would have gone to college as soon as I graduated high school, it probably would have been a little easier... Can't change the past.... I'm gonna talk to my parents tonight about this, and see what they have to say... I don't expect to hear anything positive from my Dad (as usual)

But I am gonna take the dogs for a walk, and then start dinner... peace

11.01.2005 @ 5:22 pm


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