give me a minute now

All I want is a intellectual conversation, a debate would also be good. I am great with words, well most of the time...

I am so close to breaking... Sometimes I just wanna yell at people, for no reason at all.... Have you ever looked at someone, and they just had that "yell at me" face? No? OK maybe it's just me, but I'm just odd like that...

There are some people in my life that I wanna disassociate myself with. But it seems like it's gonna be more trouble than it's worth... Do I actually have a conscience? Am I beginning to consider peoples feelings? Wow this is odd, I am not used to this... Someone explain? ... Wow my head hurts

OK time to go sit in the cold air... AHHH!

mmmm sleepy pills :)

02.08.2006 @ 11:03 pm


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