just what i need, hah

I've been worrying so much the past few weeks... I don't think I am pregnant, but there is a big chance I could be... I go to the GYN on Monday for my annual, and I am getting a pregnancy test just in case... I can't have kids at this point in my life, hell I don't really want/need kids... Oh well I'll just have to tell him what is going on, but I don't wanna say anything until I kno for sure what's goin on... We'll see...

I need some sleep, or atlest try to get some... I've got to do things around the house tomorrow morning and then I've got alot of errands to run... Wal-Mart,go to Manayunk,nail place, Macy's, write checks for bills/pay bills online, go to the liquor store... I don't kno if I will get everything done, but I am gonna try... goodnite

Stephen, call me as soon as you read this... I got your text message at 3am haha...

11.18.2005 @ 12:01 am


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