bring the pain

I am in so much pain right now, and I am fighting the urge to take anything for it... I have a really high tolerance for pain, and this pain is bad now. Usually I can ignore things like this, but not this time...

I had to work today... Went to the mall tonight, and bought my Dad's birthday presents. I also got myself some earrings, and of course make up... Macy's has a Benefit counter, and I love their products (bad gal lash is the best mascara)...

I have alot planned for next weekend... Friday I'm goin out for Tony's (my sis bf) birthday, Saturday night I have a beef and beer with the people from my work, and Sunday I'm playing Bingo with Dena haha... I have to get my nails, and eyebrows done on Friday, and also buy these leather boots I've been eyeing haha... I love shopping, speaking of which, I should start some Christmas shopping. I'm probably gonna do most of my shopping online (gotta love free shipping!)

So we have a new person living at our house, but he might as well have lived here before cause he was always here. Now we gotta find him a job down here, and all that fun stuff... I hope this isn't gonna be for too long tho...

I'm gonna go smoke and then go to bed...

11.13.2005 @ 11:19 pm


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