weird shit

I had the weirdest dream last night. I don't know where the fuck it came from... It went something like this -

I was at a train station, think Amtrak or something. I kno it wasn't SEPTA. Anyways I was talking to some lady, I think about tattoos or something. And I showed her the ones on my neck, and she was like "that would look nice without the thing in the middle". I replied "Um thats a gemini sign, asshole"... And then I woke up with drool on my lip. Yea it was weird, it is actually the first dream I remembered in a long time...

I had a bad day yesterday, and I am being totally serious. I mixed up my work hours, so I called my boss and said I'd be in as soon as I got dressed. I didnt even take a shower, I washed my face and slapped some eyeliner and mascara on. Tried to make my hair look less fro, but I wasn't successful. So I was walking to the bus stop, and I'm like 30 feet away and the fuckin bus speeds past. At that point I knew my day was gonna be hell. So I was like ok fuck the bus I'll walk. So I start walking, and I trip on a fuckin bottle in the road.. I take that back I wasn't walking, I was power walking. That is until I caught up to this old man. I had to pass him, he was like a fuckin snail. So I get to work, and already people are pissing me off... As soon as I sit at my desk, the patients stare staring. Like some old man was staring at me while I was with a patient. And then when his name goy called, he was tryna walk right up to my desk. So I pointed him to go to the other person. And he gave me a WTF look. Yea what the fuck, don't stare at me fucker... Oh and then some guy came in, and didn't have his insurance info (it was a car accident) he had no insurance address, so I was like fuck it. I don't care, let him get the bill. I was a bitch, I keep sighing heavily and shit. He just kept smiling at me and shit. Fuckin douchebags....

Speaking of the devil, I need to go get ready for work... peace

10.01.2004 @ 10:17 am


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